How to Check for Bed Bugs at Home
Things You'll Need
- Flashlight
- Magnifying Glass
- Tape
Check for bites or bumps on your legs or arms. Bed bug bites leave a red dot which differs in size and shape depending on the size of the bug and is typically no larger than a mark left by a needle prick. If you have any questions regarding a bite, consult your doctor or compare pictures on the Bed Bugger website.
Remove all dark-colored pillow cases, bedding and covers. By removing all the dark-colored material, you can clearly make out on the white sheets red blood stains left behind due to the feeding by the bed bugs. Set the dark-colored materials in a contained area or in a sealed up garbage bag to eliminate the spread of bed bugs if they are on the material.
Take a magnifying glass and flashlight and look over the pillow and bed sheets. Check for evidence of tiny blood spots where the bed bugs may have been feeding.
Check cracks, seams, folds and crevices of your bare mattress. Look for evidence of tiny spots of bed bug waste or the bed bugs themselves. Bed bugs range in size from 1.5 mm long to 5.5 mm long and can be hard to spot without a magnifying glass. Very small black spots almost invisible to the human eye could indicate waste and the presence of bed bugs. In places that are hard to see, use tape to pick up and examine under a magnifying glass.
Check the dark crevices of the mattress. Bed bugs will come out at night to feed and retreat to well-sheltered areas during the daytime. By checking parts of the frame or the underside of the mattress, you may be able to find the resting place of the bed bugs themselves.