Instructions on How to Prepare a Room to Prevent Bed Bugs
Things You'll Need
- Clear plastic
- 4 climb-up interceptors
- Vacuum
Identify what a bed bug looks like. You can protect yourself better if you know exactly what you are dealing with. Bed bugs are small, brown, flat, wingless insects. They have six legs and, like mosquitoes, feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are approximately 3/16-inch long and can be seen with the naked eye. Their ideal hiding place is in bedding and mattresses.
Seal off your mattress, box spring and pillows in clear plastic. This will help prevent infestation. You'll be taking away their favorite hiding spots.
Use climb-up interceptors. These interceptors are placed on the legs of the bed; they are made in a way that bed bugs get trapped. They are usually used for detection but they can be ideal for preventing bed bugs as well. Bed bugs will not be able to climb up onto your bed, meaning they will not get to you.
Place your bed away from walls and all other furniture. This will prevent bed bug movement. Bed bugs want to be where you are; you are their dinner. Block any and all paths to your bed. Never allow your bedding to touch the floor, and do not place clothing or shoes on your bed.
Consider removing any old or purchased used furniture. It only takes one bed bug to create an infestation; if you have any doubt about a piece of furniture, just get rid of it.
Fix any breaks in your house or windows. Try to keep out mice or birds which may have bugs on them.
Clean your room on a regular basis. Vacuum all carpets and use an attachment to vacuum all upholstered furniture.