How to Check for Bed Bug Bites
Things You'll Need
- Magnifying glass
Look for any red bites that resemble mosquito bites. Bed bugs often bite three or four times in very close proximity. The bites might have a center that is darker red. According to the Mayo Clinic, bed bug bites often resemble other insect bites.
Inspect your body in the morning for any abnormal red welts that are swelling. Some people have very harsh reactions to the bites and the bites can swell to large quarter-sized red marks.
Check your bed for any abnormal dark red or brown stains. Take off the sheets and search the seams of your mattress. Because bed bugs feast on blood, their waste also looks like blood. If you find various dark stains on your mattress, couch or anywhere you tend to sit and spend a lot of time, it can be a sign of bed bugs.
Use a magnifying glass and look for tiny, thin, beetle-like insects on your mattress or couches. Bed bugs usually don't come out in daylight so you might want to check in the middle of the night. If they have not fed they are transparent. A bed bug that has just fed and is full of blood is dark red and will ooze blood if squeezed. If you find these types of insects call an exterminator for a professional evaluation.