Self Treatment to Get Rid of Bedbugs
Things You'll Need
- Vacuum cleaner
- Scrubbing brush
- Bucket of water
- Plastic mattress cover
- Plastic boxspring cover
- Diatomaceous earth
Search for the bedbugs in your house, concentrating in the sleeping areas. Bedbugs can hide anywhere, so check under the mattress and box-spring, along the baseboards and in any nook and cranny. Adult bedbugs are less than a quarter inch in size and red-brown with a flat back. Dismantle your bed-frame for proper cleaning.
Vacuum up all the bedbugs you see, and be careful to dispose the vacuumed bedbugs securely. Scrub all areas thoroughly to remove the eggs, which are tiny and white and look like seeds. Also look for nymphs, the immautre bedbugs, which are semi-translucent with a dark middle.
Toss out any items you can. Thoroughly wash and dry all bedding and clothing on high heat, and try to remove or seal up areas where bedbugs can hide in your bedroom. Bedbugs can hide under baseboards, in the casings around power outlets and in between the joints of furniture.
Sprinkle diatomaceous earth in corners and cracks. It is toxic to bedbugs, but not to people or pets.
Get a new bed if possible. If you can't do that, put the plastic covers on your mattress and box-spring, sealing them thoroughly and keeping them on for at least a year.