Signs & Symptoms of Bedbugs
The Bite
The bite of a bedbug can resemble a number of other insect bites. Unless a person has an allergic reaction to the bedbug bite, they tend to resemble a typical mosquito bite. The bites are red in color, and are usually darker in the middle of the bite. Bedbug bites are also itchy like mosquito bites.
Linear Bite Patterns
While each bite may look like other insect bites, it is the pattern of the bedbug bite that distinguishes them. While a bedbug bite may appear on its own, it is more common to see them appear in groups. These groupings will commonly consist of three or four bites that will be arranged in a linear pattern. Small bug bites arranged in a straight line are often an indication of a bedbug problem.
Visual Signs
Look for visual signs of bedbugs to see if you have a problem on your hands. Bedbugs like to hide in all the spaces in and around mattresses and headboards. Check carefully between objects, as well as in any creases, folds or seams that might make good hiding places. Their flat bodies make them excellent at hiding in small spaces.
The most common visual cue of a bedbug problem is dark spotting on your mattress. This is dried bedbug excrement and is a sure sign of the problem. Sometimes, there may be smeared blood visible if you accidentally crushed a bedbug after it fed. There may also be actual dead bugs or the shed skins that the bugs dispose of as they age.
Odor Signs
Sometimes there is a smell that is associated with a bedbug infestation. You should still look for signs of bedbugs even if you don't notice the odor, though. Most of the time the smell will only be noticeable in cases of severe infestation. The smell has been described as being "buggy" or "sweet and musty." If you notice a smell like that around your bed, you should check for further signs of the pests.