Bed Bugs & Temperature
Bed bugs are back in the news. At one time, bed bugs were considered to be a problem that only those living in crowded and dirty conditions had to deal with. Bed bugs have gone main stream and can be found almost anywhere, probably the result of infested luggage and human travel.-
Hot and Cold Temperatures
It takes five weeks to four months for an egg to develop to an adult bed bug, depending on the availability of blood for food and the temperature. When temperatures are in the range of 70 to 87 degrees Fahrenheit, development occurs in as little as a month, according to the University of California at Davis and the University of Kentucky. Colder temperatures will increase the development time.
Laundering Temperatures
Infested items should be laundered at a temperature of 120 degree Fahrenheit or higher. Toss toys and other items into the dryer on high heat for 10 to 20 minutes to kill bed bugs.
High and Low Temperatures are Effective
Some items cannot be laundered, so toss them in a plastic bag and put the bag and its contents outside in a hot location for a day. The targeted temperature is 120 degrees Fahrenheit. The bed bugs also will die if exposed to temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, but this temperature must be maintained for several days before it can wipe out the pests. Killing bed bugs through heat rather than cold is a more reliable option.