Tips for Checking for Bedbugs
Bedbug Bites
Look for bedbug bites on your skin. Bites are common on the arms and legs, but can be found anywhere on the body. They often appear in lines or symmetrical patterns, and usually take the shape of red welts that look like mosquito bites. Bedbugs do not carry disease, but the bites can become infected if not disinfected and kept clean.
Bedbug Identification
Check the areas around your bed and furniture. Bedbugs are small, flat-bodied insects that run quickly. They measure between an eighth and a quarter of an inch long and are reddish brown in color. They are most active at night before dawn and flock to warmth. To test for bedbugs, leave a heating pad or laptop on your mattress for a while at night and check your mattress for bugs. While the bugs are small, they are visible to the naked eye.
Telltale Signs
Other signs of bedbugs include fecal spots, blood stains, eggs and shells. Bedbugs feed on human blood and defecate wherever they live. Check for brown fecal matter or blood stains on your mattress or furniture. Check near seams and tags if no spots are visible on the plush part of the mattress. Also, bedbugs lay eggs in tiny groups. Bundles of eggs are even more difficult to see than the bugs. As the bugs grow from larva to nymphs to full-grown adults, they shed their skins and leave shells behind. If you find little husks of dried brown skin, you probably have bedbugs.
Remove your sheet or furniture cover to look closely at your furniture's surfaces. Wear gloves and use a flashlight to brighten dark spots. If you believe you see eggs or signs of an infestation, use a magnifying glass to identify them. Remember that pest control services can help. They usually provide a free estimate for their services.