How to Stop Bedbug Bites
Things You'll Need
- Vacuum
- Vinyl mattress bags
- Trash bags
Determine whether or not you have bedbugs. Bedbugs are small, but visible. Telltale signs include blood spots on mattresses, brown fecal spots or bug husks on mattresses. Check the seams and the tags.
Vacuum all carpeting and mop all flooring with hot water. Vacuum baseboards, as bedbugs can live in the cracks between the molding and the wall.
Bag all clothing, pillows and bedding. Wash in hot water and dry at high temperatures. Put your shoes in a bag and leave them in the trunk of your car if it's a warm day. The heat will kill any bedbugs that are there.
Hire a pest-control service to fumigate your home with industrial-strength pesticides. Professional pest-control services have access to chemicals that standard consumers do not. They often offer guarantees on their services. If you live in a rented or leased property, let your landlord know about bedbugs so you don't have to pay for services.