If There Is One Bedbug, Can You Assume There Are Many?
Bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed and are a rusty color, redder after they have fed on human blood. You will find red spots on pillows and mattresses from where they have been crushed while you sleep. They hide in the mattress, head boards and even the carpet.
If you find that you have a bed bug infestation you must dispose of your mattress, wrapping it in plastic and putting a note on it that says it is infested with bed bugs. Pull all clothing and bedding from the infested room and wash it in hot water. Vacuum floors well with a machine that has a HEPA filter.
Bed bug infestations generally come from staying at hotels/motels. They sneak home in suitcases and clothes and then breed and infest your home. Avoid them by washing all clothing and/or bedding that has stayed with you at a hotel or motel prior to returning it to your home.