How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs From Infants
Things You'll Need
- Vacuum cleaner
- Diatomaceous earth
- Washing machine
- Plastic refuse bags
Search for where the bedbugs are living. The bugs like to hide in dark cracks and crevices, so check furniture, mattresses and upholstery. You can identify them with the naked eye; the adults are 60 to 70 millimeters long, with a flattened back and a dark red color. The eggs are also visible and look like small grains of rice. Once you know where the bugs are laying eggs, you can remove them more effectively.
Strip any bedding from the area. Place it in plastic refuse bags and seal them. Place the items in a washing machine and wash them at a minimum of 150 degrees Fahrenheit or the standard "hot" setting on your machine to kill any bugs or eggs that have stuck to them. Do not take the cleaned items back into the room until it is clear of bugs.
Wash your infant's clothing at a minimum of 150 F. It is important to check all clothing for bugs and eggs, as this is a way bedbugs spread.
Vacuum the infested areas. Remember to treat every crack and crevice in the room, as this is where they are most likely hiding. Once you have finished, remove the vacuum cleaner bag and seal it in a refuse bag so no bugs can escape.
Spread diatomaceous earth around the infested areas. This substance is harmful to bedbugs but not to people. Ensure you place it around any bedrooms and living areas where the bedbugs are present. This way, they have to pass through it in order to feed.
Leave the infested rooms for two weeks. During this time, you must find somewhere else for your infant to sleep. Keep vacuuming the rooms thoroughly during the two weeks to minimize the chances of an infestation returning. However, do not remove the diatomaceous earth.
Inspect the room again after two weeks, checking all possible bedbug hiding places. Once you are sure there are no bugs left, your infant can return to the room.