Fast Way to Get Rid of Bedbugs
Things You'll Need
- Washing machine
- Extra-large cooking pot
- Stove
- Clothes line
- Pesticides
- Extra-large plastic bags
Fast Ways to Get Rid of Bedbugs
Identify the scope of the problem. If you find bedbugs in your bed, there's a good chance they're in your couch and laundry, as well. These tiny bloodsuckers are nocturnal, so you won't see them during the day unless you raise your mattress or separate the couch cushions.
Throw out anything you can. Make sure the item is sealed in a large plastic bag, whether it's a chair or a pile of clothing. Place the item outside or take it to the dump immediately. If you place your chair outside on the curb, be sure to add a clearly visible sign that reads: "HAS BEDBUGS." This will prevent someone from thinking the item is simply unwanted and taking it into his own home. Continue to follow appropriate bedbug elimination procedures even after you discard the infested items.
Harness the forces of nature. If you're unable to discard an item such as a mattress or box spring, and if you happen to live in Minnesota during January, you're in luck. Leaving your mattress or clothing outside in temperatures below zero degrees Fahrenheit will kill the bedbugs within four days. The colder the temperature, the faster the bedbugs will die. For extra assurance, try combining traditional fumigation with the freezing method.
Boil hot, soapy water or use an ultra-hot setting on your washing machine to kill the bedbugs on your clothes, blankets and couch covers. The water must be above 125 degrees Fahrenheit to effectively extinguish the bedbugs. Like the freezing method, this should be combined with traditional fumigation since you won't be able to wash your mattress or boil your couch cushions.
Call a professional exterminator. Because bedbugs are more resilient than fleas, spiders or roaches, it's best to find a company that deals specifically with bedbug extermination. Chemical fumigation alone typically won't eliminate the bedbugs in your clothing and drapes. This is why it's important to use multiple extermination methods such as boiling and freezing to ensure total elimination.