How to Spot Bedbugs in Your Hotel Room
Bedbugs are often found in the seams and folds of mattresses and box springs. Use a flashlight to look carefully for small, brown insects, as well as any bloodstains or dark spots, which may be bedbug excrement. Pay special attention to the areas where the mattress meets the box spring and the headboard.
2. Check the Bed Frame and Headboard
Bedbugs can also hide in the cracks and crevices of the bed frame and headboard. Inspect these areas carefully, paying close attention to any joints or screws.
3. Look Under the Bed
Bedbugs can sometimes be found under the bed, especially in the corners or along the edges. Use a flashlight to look carefully for any insects or signs of their presence.
4. Inspect the Curtains and Drapes
Bedbugs can also be found in curtains and drapes, especially if they are near the bed. Check the folds and seams of the curtains and drapes, as well as the areas where they meet the wall or ceiling.
5. Check the Furniture and Carpet
Bedbugs can also be found in furniture and carpet, especially if they are near the bed. Inspect any furniture or carpet in the room, paying close attention to the seams and folds.
6. Look for Live Bedbugs
If you see any small, brown insects, try to catch one and place it in a sealed container. You can then take the insect to a pest control company or exterminator for identification.
7. Look for Signs of Bedbugs
In addition to live bedbugs, you may also see signs of their presence, such as:
- Bloodstains or dark spots on the mattress, box spring, or sheets
- Small, brown eggs in the seams or cracks of the mattress, box spring, or bed frame
- A musty or sweet odor in the room
If you find any signs of bedbugs, it is important to contact the hotel management immediately. They will need to take steps to exterminate the bedbugs and prevent them from spreading to other rooms.