Hard lump on top of foot what is it?

Plantar fasciitis plantar fibromatosis (Ledderhose disease): This causes the growth of thick fibrous tissue along the underside of your foot in your plantar fascia—the ligament running from your heel to your toes—causing the development of plantar fibromas

Morton's neuroma: Usually develops between the third and fourth toes when tissue around the nerve leading to the toes thickens.

Ganglion cyst a round bulge under your skin filled with synovial fluid (the thick liquid within your joints.)

Haglund's deformity: is an enlargement of the bone at the back of the heel under the Achilles tendon

Tarsal coalition: Tarsal coalition develops when two or more of the bones in your foot are abnormally connected with cartilage or bone causing pain on the top of your foot

A stress fracture which is a small crack in a bone which can develop over time if you continuously stress you foot

Osteochondroma : A smooth outgrowth of bone can develops over a period of months under the growth area and cause discomfort over time

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