How to Combat Bed Bugs
Things You'll Need
- Mattress and pillow encasements
- Steam cleaner
- Home heaters
- Vinegar
- Spray bottle
Prevention is the best way to combat bed bugs. They are easier to avoid than they are to get rid of. The New York City Housing Authority recommends immediately washing your clothing and bedding when you get home from a trip. Special covers can keep bed bugs from entering your mattresses and pillows. Do not bring used or discarded mattresses, box springs, bed frames or upholstered furniture into your home.
If you see bed bugs, contact a professional exterminator. An exterminator can assess the problem and carry out a plan to rid your home of bed bugs. Insecticides are available for home use, but the New York City Housing Authority warns that these chemicals can be harmful to people and pets, and their use is best left to professionals.
Apply high heat or steam to infestations. Temperatures above 115 degrees Fahrenheit kill bed bugs in all stages of life. It may be difficult or impossible to effectively heat-treat an entire room, but steam cleaning can reach all areas, including cracks and crevices. Steam won't leave chemical residue behind, which is especially important for mattresses and areas that come into direct contact with human skin. Ensure the steam temperatures is above 115 degrees.
Isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol, also kills bed bugs. Spray down infested areas liberally with a 1:1 water and alcohol solution, letting it air dry. This method is especially good for crevices and other hard-to-reach areas, but may not work for surfaces or areas that can't get wet.