How to Combat Bedbugs
Things You'll Need
- Vacuum cleaner with extensions
- Plastic mattress cover
- Washing machine
- Dryer
- Bedbug spray
- Soft cloth
- Disinfectant
- Laundry detergent
Inspect every object and crevice in the room where bedbugs appear. Look in places where bugs may be transported, like inside of luggage and cardboard boxes. Examine clothing, baseboards, sheets, pillows, closets and every square inch of the room.
Vacuum the carpet and bedding. Use hose extensions to access corners, shelves, clothes and any place you have noticed the presence of bedbugs. Make sure to vacuum every square inch of the bed frame to eliminate any eggs.
Remove your sheets, blankets and pillowcases and place them in the washing machine. Use a standard laundry detergent and wash using the highest heat. Dry the objects in a dryer using the highest setting. Repeat this process for clothing and other fabrics found in the room with the bedbugs.
Scrub the bed frame using a soft cloth soaked in water and all-purpose disinfectant. Scrub and dry the headboard, if applicable, and any nearby objects like shelves, desks and TV stands. Make sure to scrub the dark, unexposed areas and pay attention to the smallest crevices.
Examine the mattresses for any signs of bedbugs. If you notice any bugs or eggs on the surface of the mattress, place it inside an airtight, plastic mattress cover with a zipper for one year. This is required to kill off any bugs residing deep within the mattress.
Spray bedbug-infested areas with a specially designed bedbug spray, available at most hardware stores. Never use a general pesticide, and avoid spraying in areas to which pets and children have access.