Bed Bugs & Itching
Bed bugs are quite common and do not have a direct relation to cleanliness. Bed bugs are just like any other insect. They reside in areas where food is available to them. Since humans are food, they seem to always have places to hide until feeding time. Bed bugs can be found in small crevices in walls, furniture, closets and in carpet. Moreover, they are usually spread when traveling from one place to another. Nonetheless, bed bugs have been commonly found in used items like clothing, mattresses and furniture, which is why it is pertinent to take caution when purchasing items of this sort.
Since bed bugs are incredibly small and spend the majority of their time hiding, it is almost impossible to tell if you have a bed bug infestation. Therefore, it is important to look for signs of bed bugs instead of the actual insect. Bed bug waste is the most sure sign of bed bugs. Their waste is brown or black in color and is easily visible on mattresses and furniture. Also, bed bug skin cells are also telling signs of an infestation. Skin cells are brown in color and resemble crushed peanut hulls.
Bed bugs bites are one of the most misdiagnosed skin conditions and are usually mistaken for a rash. Bed bug bites are extremely red, raised areas of skin and can be accompanied by bumps and welts on the body.
Skin Irritation
Skin Irritation is an extremely difficult symptom to deal with as a result of bed bug bites. At best, the reaction to bed bug bites are an allergy in which irritation and itchiness are exuded. Most people compare bed bug bites to an extreme case of poison ivy with an incessant need to scratch the skin. While this is how the vast majority of people react to bed bug bites, some people do not experience the same reaction.
In order to heal bed bug bites, it is important to first rid your home of the infestation. Most bed bug cases require immediate remediation through a pest control service. These individuals are qualified and equipped with the proper materials and or chemicals to remedy a bed bug infestation. In the meantime, vacuum to rid your home of any remaining bed bugs that may be living in the carpet. If you notice that you are getting bitten at night, more than likely bed bugs are using your mattress as a hiding place and it should be thrown out immediately. Next, refrain from scratching and apply cortisone or corticool. These products relieve the itchiness associated with bed bugs bites; corticool also employs a cooling sensation to the skin to help with irritation. Since the reaction from bed bug bites are like an allergy, benadryl is also an effective solution to aid in the itchiness and irritation. The itchiness and skin welts should subside in a few days. If any other complications, including puss or bleeding, accompany your bites, you should consult your physician or dermatologist to prevent an infection or permanent skin damage.