How to Prevent Bed Bug Infestation
Inspect all luggage and clothing carefully for bed bugs when returning home from a trip, particularly if you have visited another country.
Keep your home clean. Lots of mess and clutter equals more hiding spots for bed bugs. They can fit into tiny crevices and can be hard to see.
Clean and vacuum your mattress and box spring regularly. Bed linens should also be frequently washed.
Pull your bed frame away from the wall so that bed bugs cannot climb up the wall and reach your bed. Check sheets and blankets to be sure that they are not touching the floor. If they are, tuck them under the mattress.
Inspect used furniture closely for bed bugs before bringing it into your home. This is especially important if the furniture is coming from a stranger.
Check the exterior of your home for crevices that would allow bed bugs and other insects to enter. Repair them to reduce the chances of infestation.