Treatment for Killing Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a nuisance not only to individual home owners, but to hospitals, hotels and dormitories. Killing bed bugs takes some effort, but it is more than worth it to rid the pests. It is important to remember that bed bugs can live for months without feeding, so it can be difficult to get rid of them quickly.
  1. Identification

    • Check for bed bug bites.

      Identifying bed bugs is easy. If you have red welts on your skin, especially noticeable after you have been sleeping, it is a good chance you have bed bugs. Look for the bugs inside mattress crevices. They usually try to hide and only come out at night to feed, but they are visible to the naked eye. Bed bugs are about 1/4 inch in length, have a flat body with six legs and are a reddish brown color. Another sign of bed bugs is blood stains appearing on your mattress, either because you rolled over on bed bugs and crushed them or because you are continuing to bleed after they are done feeding on you. Also, dark stains can appear from bug fecal matter.


    • Once an infestation starts, bed bugs can hide just about anywhere.

      As you check your mattress, look in all folds and seams. You will be able to see the bugs, as well as bed bug eggs. It is necessary to check areas other than the mattress. Bed bugs can hide just about anywhere, including bed frames, clothing, stuffed animals, blankets and other furniture.


    • Wash items in hot water.

      The sanitation process needs to be thorough. Vacuuming can remove some of the bugs and eggs, but because some of the eggs are intertwined with fabrics, they may not come out. Wash all blankets, bed spreads and pillow cases in hot water. It is also suggested that you put items that can't be washed into extreme heat or cold to kill the bugs and eggs. During hot weather, items can be placed in a secured bag and then in a vehicle with the windows rolled up for several hours. Although freezing temperatures can also help, the temperature has to remain constant for more than two weeks to be effective.


    • Check hotel rooms so bugs aren't brought home.

      Prevention is key for completely ridding bed bugs. Check hotel rooms for infestation before any bed bugs have a chance to latch onto your clothes or belongings. Also, use the luggage racks in hotel rooms, so bed bugs have less of a chance to get into your clothes. Airtight pillow cases and mattress covers can be used to kill the bugs and eggs that were not removed with vacuuming and also keep other bugs out. They will not die overnight, but by keeping the covers on, it will prevent the bugs from being able to feed and they will die.


    • Exterminator

      If all else fails, professional extermination may be required. A bad bed bug infestation may be too much to handle, and it may be worth it to go ahead and pay someone else to take care of the problem.

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