How to Spot Bed Bug Bite Symptoms
Look for slightly raised red bumps.
Bed bug bit symptoms are not highly different from an allergic rash or a set of mosquito bites. They usually last longer than a mosquito bite however.
Check for a predictable pattern, called the Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner pattern.
This pattern is formed by a bed bugs linear feeding pattern. It usually consists in two to three linear bites. They can also happen in more of a cluster, but the line is a tell tale sign.
Check in the bed, the grooves, and the wall for bed bugs.
Look for small brownish blood spots on the sheets, tiny bits of black fecal matter, or the actual bugs themselves using a magnifying glass. The best way to be sure you have bed bug bite symptoms is to look for the bugs themselves.
Treat the bite at home.
Unless the bite becomes infected it is easily treated at home. Wash the area with soap and water. Apply oil of peppermint to the area and generally speaking the itch will be relieved. If it does become infected see a doctor for treatment options.
* See below for more tips on bed bugs and bed bug bite symptoms.