What Is the Quickest, Easiest Way to Kill Bedbugs?
Bedbugs are little nocturnal bugs that feed on human blood. There are several different types of bedbugs, including some that feed on certain types of animals, such as chickens and dogs, but the main ones to worry about live off humans.They live inside mattresses and crawl out just before dawn and bite you, sucking out blood for five minutes.
They usually bite once a week or so, and they can go from six months to a year without feeding.
Determining Whether You Have Bedbugs
It can be hard to tell if you have bedbugs because of how small they are, because they come out for short periods of time and because they are good at hiding.
Some clear signs of and ways to determine their presence are:
Waste. Bedbugs create a lot of waste, which can consist of dark spots on your mattress such as blood and feces. Other signs of waste would be shed skin, eggs and dead bugs. Waste may also be found inside your mattress, in the box springs or in your linens.
Bites. Bedbug bites appear as little red dots on your body. You rarely catch bedbugs in the act because they come out while you sleep and bite for only a short time. You cannot feel the bite until a few minutes after it occurs. Bites do not usually require medical attention and should go away in a few days. If they are very itchy, you can use an anti-itch cream available at all pharmacies. If they don't disappear, or if you think the bites are infected, see your doctor for treatment.
The carpet tape test. Lay out strips of double-sided carpet tape around the bed and on the sides of the mattress, being careful not to place it where you may hit it while you sleep. Leave it out for a few days; if you have bedbugs, it's likely that a couple will get stuck on it.
Checking their hiding places. Take a bright flashlight, and search every nook and cranny of your home, including mattresses, carpets, books, magazines, wall sconces, wall posters and electrical switch plates.
Killing Bedbugs
Clean your home thoroughly. Dirty and damp places are good places for bugs to hide. Wash all your linens in extremely hot water, 120 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, and vacuum your mattress, baseboards, carpet edges, switch plates, floor cracks and all furniture.
Attack the bugs first at their hideouts. Sprinkle anti-bug dust, such as Drione Dust, liquid insecticides or Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) in all the cracks and crevices, wall voids and baseboards. Make sure to use gloves and face masks when using these products.
Next, use a light application of a residual aerosol on the folds and seams of the mattress, the headboard, footboard, box spring and frame. Remember to flip the mattress and treat the underside as well.
Treat the furniture by applying liquid residuals or spray aerosols in every crack and crevice of the furniture items. Make sure to turn the furniture upside down to treat the metal framing.
Follow-Up Care
After thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting your home, do not be complacent. Make sure to re-investigate the entire home after two weeks for any trace of bedbugs. If you do not encounter any major problems, use a contact spray with Pyrethrins in it to re-treat the main areas.
If you still think you have not been able to rectify the problem, it is time to call professional help. They will completely disinfect your home and make it bug free. It is a good idea to check your home periodically even after professional help is used, as prevention is better than cure.