What Is a Bedbug Bite?
Bedbug bites may be hard to identify since they "can look like little bumps, a rash, or just reddish skin" according to www.bedbugsguide.com. Doctors often misdiagnose bedbug bites due to they fact that they resemble other skin conditions.
The saliva of a bedbug contains a chemical that prevents the blood from clotting. They inject their saliva into the bite while they are feeding, which causes an allergic reaction and makes the bites red and itchy.
Contrary to popular belief, bedbug bites "are not known to transmit any infectious agents" according to Richard Pollack, Ph.D. and Gary Alpert Ph.D., co-authors of a Harvard School of Public Health bedbugs study. Scratching only increases itching associated with bedbug bites and may lead to infection.
Although it rare for a person to have a serious reaction from bedbug bites, sensitivity increases with exposure. If you have symptoms other than itching and irritation you should speak with your physician immediately.
Avoid buying any used furniture, particularly mattresses and bed frames. If your residence has bedbugs you should thoroughly clean the affected area with a strong suction vacuum and wire brush to dislodge eggs and suction up loose bedbugs.