Chinese Remedy to Control Bed Bugs
What Are They?
Bedbugs are tiny insects that feed on warmblooded animals. These parasites sometimes live in bird nests and wait until their host comes home, while others adapt to living in a person's home. Bedbugs are oval in shape but flattened from top to bottom. They range in color from white to light tan, to dark brown or orange. These insects are wingless and often seek shelter in dark crevices. Bedbugs can survive months without feeding and can wander through different rooms or apartments.
Bedbug bites usually affect only the surface of the skin. They occur as small, itchy red bumps known as papules. They may often show up as a cluster, which indicates being bitten multiple times. Some people may develop allergic reactions to the bites such as blisters, rashes or hives. If you discover that any of your symptoms are severe, go to the doctor and get checked out so that it doesn't turn into something more serious.
Herbal Remedies
Several herbs and natural remedies are used to treat bedbugs.
Plantain leaves and seeds are often used for bedbug bites.
Powdered white clay mixed with herbal tea is used as a paste for itching caused by bites.
Fresh herb poultices are used by first chewing on the herb and then applying it directly to the bedbug bite. Some poultices include yellow dock, wild mallow and chickweed.
Herbal leaves from maple, oak or hazel trees can often be chewed and applied to the bite. If the leaf is bitter, however, be sure to spit it out immediately and find a leaf that is not slick or shiny.
Once you have confirmed that there are bedbugs living in your residence, thoroughly clean each room. You want to scrub each surface with a stiff brush in order to dislodge any eggs that may be around, as well as use a powerful vacuum to sweep up any bedbugs that may be hiding in corners.
Reduce the amount of clutter in a room so that the bugs have fewer hiding places.
Caulk and seal all holes in walls and floors to prevent bedbugs from traveling across rooms.
Keep the bed frame away from the wall to prevent bedbugs from crawling onto a bed.