How to Detect Bed Bug Bite Symptoms
Bed bug bite symptoms can be difficult for even doctors to diagnose. When all of the clues add together, however, even the least educated individual could come to the right conclusion. Although these critters are often seen in dirty, run-down places, they can also show up in high end hotels and even your home. If you are worried about bed bug bite symptoms, know what to look for before there is a problem.Instructions
Check for raised red bumps like mosquito bites. Mosquito bites are some common, you can quickly rule out bed bug bite symptoms if the spot doesn't look like a small raised bump.
Look for a linear 3 or 4 bump pattern. Bed bug bite symptoms are easy to recognize because they typically show up in lines of 3 or 4. Some people call this the breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the critter.
Pay attention to your reaction. Do the bumps feel itchier than mosquito bites? If so, it's a good chance it is one of the bed bug bite symptoms. Also, these last longer than mosquito bites.
Think about where you spent the night 7 to 9 days before you noticed the bed bug bite symptoms. They typically don't show up for a long time after exposure. That is one of the main reasons the bites are often misdiagnosed.