Can You Kill Bed Bugs?
The Bed Bug Life Cycle
In ideal conditions, bed bugs can have a life cycle of as little as one month. The female lays between one and 12 eggs a day and can lay up to 200 eggs in her lifetime. The eggs are coated with a sticky substance that helps them to attach to the surface on which they are laid. The newly hatched bugs are called nymphs and shed their skin five times before they become mature bed bugs. The newborn bed bugs feed on blood between each molt but can survive for months without actually feeding.
Bed Bug Bites
A common belief is that, because bed bugs feed on blood, they can transmit bloodborne diseases to humans; however, this is unlikely. Itchy spots, redness or a rash are the most common symptoms of bed bug bites. Some people don't have any reaction and, because the bugs bite while you sleep, never even know that they have been bitten. Other people have allergic reactions and need antihistamines or corticosteroids to relieve the itching or antibiotics if the bites become infected.
Killing Bed Bugs
Turning up the thermostat will not kill bed bugs; the temperature would need to be at about 120 degrees F in all areas of the house. This would be almost impossible without specialized equipment. Conventional bug sprays and powders do not seem to have any effect on bed bugs and are considered ineffective in the fight against them. Vacuuming removes some bugs and is a recommended course of action, but this method does not kill the bugs or even remove all of them.
You can cut down on the amount of bed bugs around the house in a number of ways. Keeping surfaces, floors and even wardrobes and cupboards free from clutter can remove potential breeding grounds. Wash bed clothes and other fabrics including cushion covers and clothing at temperatures higher than 113 degrees F if possible; this will kill the bed bugs on these items. Vacuum carpets, rugs, furniture and mattresses thoroughly, and dispose of the vacuum bag carefully. You can use insecticides if they state that they are suitable for use against bed bugs.
The only sure way to kill bed bugs is to call in professional exterminators. A number of methods are available, depending on the location and extent of the infestation. Heat, steaming, fumigation, traps and even bug-detecting dogs are used in the control of these difficult-to-eradicate insects. Even with all these measures at the professional's disposal, follow-up visits are essential to rid the whole house of the problem.