What Kind of Home Remedy Can Kill Bedbugs?
Insecticides labeled for bedbugs can be used where the bugs hide, such as tight spaces throughout a room. The Controlling Bed Bugs website specifies the areas under wall switch covers. Finding the hiding spaces requires a clean room, with no clutter. The Bed Bugs Guide website cautions against moving items to another room. More than one treatment is likely to be needed. For mattresses, carefully follow directions of insecticides specifically approved for such use.
Vacuuming and scraping can help get rid of bedbugs. Run a vacuum cleaner over surfaces of the infested room, including furniture and unreachable spots, and scrape with a hard brush to remove the insects' eggs, the Controlling Bed Bugs site says. It says bedbugs can be "completely removed" by vacuuming. However, the Bed Bugs Guide site says cleaning, while needed, will not remove bedbugs by itself.
Laundering or Freezing
Clothes can be run through a washer and dryer for heat to kill the insects, according to the Bed Bugs Guide. It says a dryer alone can treat items that can't be washed, including stuffed animals and rugs, and says dry cleaning also works. The site says items that can't be washed can be enclosed in a plastic bag and placed in a freezer for about a week. The Natural Cures For site suggests heating linens in a dryer for about 20 minutes.
Mattress Covers
A fabric or vinyl mattress encasement that zips up to create a complete seal will trap bedbugs until they die, which can take as long as 18 months, the Bed Bugs Guide site says. Thorough vacuuming of the mattress beforehand is advised. The site recommends similar covers for pillows that can't be washed, but says pillowcases will still require regular laundering.
Diatomaceous Earth
Food-grade diatomaceous earth, a powder made from algae fossils, can be dusted around cracks in a room and under and near the bed, the Bed Bugs Guide site says. Sharp edges on the diatomaceous cut bedbugs as they crawl, and they eventually die from blood loss. The site says the method is unlikely to eliminate the bugs, but will cut down on their numbers and is an alternative to chemical treatments.
Steam cleaning kills bedbugs and eggs, but the Bed Bugs Guide site lists "major downsides" that protect the insects from a lethal level of heat, such as tight spaces and the absorbency of mattresses. It also says items, including furniture, can be damaged. It suggests consulting with a pest control company beforehand to head off trouble in case professional help becomes necessary, and also suggests using a low-moisture steamer to reduce mold risk.