How to Protect Yourself from Bed Bugs
These nasty pests are back making a resurgence and they show no prejudice. Bed bugs can be found anywhere from the humblest dwelling to some of the nicest hotels. Learn how to protect yourself from bed bugs at home and while traveling.
Things You'll Need
- steam vacuum
- Murphy's Wood Oil soap
- tea tree oil or mineral oil
- vaseline
- bed risers
- mattress, box spring and pillow encasements
- duct tape
- small flashlight
PROTECT YOURSELF FROM BED BUGS AT HOME - Check at home for bed bugs. If you've ever woken with itchy, red bumps that resemble mosquito bites or noticed tiny dark brown, black or even red spots on your bedding, you should check for bed bugs.
Strip the bedding from the bed and take a good look near all mattress edging seams and the box springs (including under the bed). Check behind those plastic corner protectors on your mattress and pay close attention to the headboard and bed frame. Look closely as bed bugs are tiny, flat and brown without wings; they look similar to a tick.
If you do suspect bed bugs, either call in a professional pest control person or tackle the job yourself. Don't start cleaning if you want to hire a professional as they'll need to know exactly how bad the infestation, or if you actually do have bed bugs.
GET RID OF BED BUGS - Wash all bedding in HOT water and dry on high heat. Remove bed pillows and the dust cover from underneath the box springs. Place pillows and dust cover in heavy duty plastic garbage bags and throw away.
Take mattress and box springs outside if the weather is nice. Steam and vacuum clean every section on the mattress and box springs. Let set in sun to dry well.
Vacuum headboard, footboard and/or metal bed frame. Fill a bucket with hot water and Murphy's Wood Oil soap and wipe down entire bed frame, headboard and footboard.
Vacuum and clean bedroom well, including vacuuming walls if they are wallpapered and also any draperies in the bedroom.
Purchase a set of bed risers. If your bed is larger than full size, you will need six bed risers (one for each leg) and you should note they are sold in sets of four.
Set frame up on the bed risers. Pour tea tree oil or mineral oil into the recessed section of the bed riser. Wipe a thin coating of vaseline on each bed leg. Bed bugs hate the oil and the vaseline makes the surface of the leg too slick to climb.
To help protect yourself from bed bugs at home, shop for new bed pillows and think also about getting plain white bed linen to make it easier to detect any future bed bug problems. Use cotton blankets instead of comforters as these are easy to wash and dry.
Purchase bed-bug-proof encasements for the mattress, box springs and bed pillows. You will find these online but make sure you purchase only from a company with products actually tested for this purpose. Once you have the encasements in hand, put them on.
Wrap any sharp edges of the bed frame with duct tape before replacing the encasement-covered box springs and mattress. This will help prevent any accidental tears in the protective coverings.
PROTECT YOURSELF FROM BED BUGS WHILE TRAVELING - Carry a small flashlight and a heavy duty trash bag large enough for your suitcase when you travel. Upon entering your room, place your suitcase on the luggage rack provided. Don't set it on top of the bed. If wearing an outer garment place it and your purse on top of the suitcase.
Pull the bedding up to get a good look at the mattress seams. Shine the flashlight behind the headboard. Check any loose wallpaper seams for signs of bed bugs. If anything looks suspicious, request another room.
Remember also to keep your dirty clothing off the floor and in a separate plastic bag. In addition, use the heavy duty trash bag to put your suitcase into. Protect yourself from bed bugs while traveling by checking these few things when you check into any hotel room. Do these things and you really can "sleep tight!"