How to Identify Bedbugs
Look for a bug that is ovate, light yellow, wingless and 1/5" in size. A bedbug will be darker in color if it has already had a meal of blood. They most often come out at night, so expect to find them between the sheets in the middle of the night.
Bedbugs can be found in the daytime if you know where to look. Check under mattress folds, in mattress seams, between bedposts, behind headboards, in pillow cases, on nightstands or near any object that is close to the bed.
Bedbugs live in cracks and crevices near or in the bed. Evidence that a bedbug has been in the vicinity includes little droplets of blood on the sheets. If there is a large infestation, you can begin to smell an odor, and you will likely find dark dots of feces.
Look for bite marks on your person. You could have red itchy bumps anywhere on your body, but the most common location is your stomach. These bites are just like many other types of bug bites, so you have to be careful in determining whether or not they came from a bedbug. If a bite looks like a small welt and it itches and burns (and if you didn't have the bite before you went to bed), chances are you have been bit by bedbugs. If you have been bitten by a bedbug, use soap and water to cleanse the area and then apply an anti-itch cream.