How to Prevent Bed Bugs
Inspect all places in your house that are warm, close to human contact and have plenty of hiding spaces. This includes mattresses, carpeting, pillows and sofa beds, as well as behind chairs and dressers.
Treat your furniture with insecticides to get rid of any possible bed bugs. Basic insecticide spray will get rid of any on the furniture, but insecticide dust will get them where they hide.
Cover your mattress in plastic. This will prevent any bugs from getting in or out.
Consider getting rid of any old furniture if you can. If there is the chance any bugs remain, this will help prevent them from multiplying in your home again.
Seal and repair any cracks on your home's exterior to prevent bugs from entering. Install or repair window screens to keep birds or rodents, who may have bugs on them, from getting in.
Clean your house regularly, reducing clutter and even vacuuming the mattresses. This may not completely prevent bed bugs, but it will reduce their hiding places.
Check any furniture you buy secondhand, especially mattresses. Also, inspect all luggage and clothing that comes into your home, especially if you have traveled outside North America.