Non-Toxic Way to Kill Bed Bugs
Gather all cloth materials where the bed bugs have been living and place them in plastic bags as quickly as possible. Seal the bags to help contain the bugs so they don’t spread even further during the killing process.
Wash loads of bed bug-infested laundry one at a time, keeping the laundry still infested bagged up until you get to it. Wash in hot water to kill the bed bugs.
Dry your laundry on high heat for at least 10 to 20 minutes to ensure killing any bed bugs that may have survived the wash.
Clean all items that won’t fit into your washer and dryer with a steamer. This includes mattresses, carpets and the area near the baseboard between the floor and the wall. Take your time cleaning them, and do your best to clean every little crack and crevice with heat.
Wash and heat areas populated with bed bugs frequently, at least on a weekly basis. Persistence is important to getting rid of the parasites and keeping them from coming back.