How to Foil Bedbugs

The United States is experiencing an alarming resurgence in bed bug infestations, according to a joint announcement by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Complaints about bed bugs have overwhelmed public health agencies in recent years. Bed bugs don't transmit diseases, so pose no significant health threat. But these blood-sucking parasites can cause rashes, itching skin and severe allergic reactions. Bed bugs are resistant to pesticides, which makes treatment difficult. Public health agencies warn against home remedies and over-the-counter controls for bed bugs. The accepted advice includes a long list of what not to do.

Things You'll Need

  • Diatomaceous earth
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Professional exterminator
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      Dust surfaces regularly with food-grade diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth is a non-toxic pesticide that poses no threat to humans or pets but can be very effective for insect control.

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      Focus your efforts. Although they can travel 100 feet in one night, bed bugs tend to stay within eight feet of where people sleep. Confine your most rigorous control efforts to the bedroom.

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      Remove clutter where bed bugs can hide. Bed bugs hide during the day under laundry piles, paper stacks or other clutter in the bedroom. Removing clutter will help in bed bug control.

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      Vacuum regularly and thoroughly. Mattresses, bedding and carpets need to be kept clean. Also vacuum drapes, furniture and cracks and crevices around the bed that are most prone to bed bug infestation. Keep all these areas thoroughly cleaned and vacuumed. Dismantle the bed and headboard to reach into hiding places. Dispose of the vacuum bag in an outside trash receptacle immediately after use.

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      Remove hiding places in walls and wallpaper by repairing and sealing cracks and crevices.

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      Wash and dry bedding and clothing in hot water. Temperatures of over 113 degrees Fahrenheit are needed to kill bed bugs.

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      Use pillow, mattress and box spring enclosures to trap bed bugs. Use zip-on covers to trap and kill bed bugs as well as to identify infestations.

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      Refrain from using over-the-counter (OTC) pesticides. Beg bugs are resistant to almost all pesticides registered for use against them, the CDC says. Overuse of OTC treatments and home remedies may promote more resistance, and can be ineffective and expensive.

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      Avoid pesticide misuse. Out of frustration, people sometimes attempt to control bed bugs with pesticides that are not intended for indoor residential use. This is an extremely dangerous practice. If you must use chemical controls, hire a professional exterminator that is an expert in bed bug management and chemicals that are effective for use in your area.

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