What Are Bedbug Mites?
Appearance of Bedbugs
Bedbugs are reddish brown in color and they resemble a tick in appearance. Unlike dust mites, they are not microscopic and can be seen with the naked eye. Bedbugs can be as minuscule as 1.5 mm or reach as much as 7 mm in length. They are wingless and have six legs.
Location of Bedbugs
Bedbugs are most commonly found in locations other than the bed, such as in the box frame, curtains, behind wallpaper and crevices where they can easily hide behind upholstered furniture. After the widespread use of DDT in the 1940's and 1950's, bed bugs were not as common. They have once again reappeared with influxes of immigration in our country. It only takes one or two bed bugs hiding in your clothing to infest an entire house.
Bedbug Eating Habits
Bedbugs are voracious eaters and their cuisine of choice is human blood. One method of survival is that they do not need to feed regularly to survive. This allows them to hibernate undetected in vacant homes and places where a steady supply of blood cannot be readily found. After feeding, an adult bedbug will look more reddish in color, while the clear nymphs will become bright red after a feeding.
Diseases and Removal
For the most part, bedbugs are not linked to infectious disease, but there has been speculation that they are tied to Chagas disease. Symptoms such as fever, fatigue, body aches, headache, rash, loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting are so diffuse that it would be difficult to diagnose. Removing bedbugs is an unpleasant task but starving them is the best route. Use an airtight plastic seal on pillows and mattresses so bedbug mites are unable to feed. As with lice, wash all of your linens in hot water and place them in the dryer on the hottest setting. Vacuum everyday and make sure to reach small corners and crevices where eggs can reside.