What Causes Bed Bugs & How Do You Get Rid of Them?
Causes of Bed Bugs
It is up for debate what is really causing the resurgence in bedbugs, but there are several different problems that are contributing to the outbreak. Bedbugs are becoming immune to many pesticides that exterminators use to try and kill them. Increased overseas travel is also a reason for the increase in bedbug infestations because they are more prevalent abroad and are brought back in by travelers. In your home or other space, birds, rodents or bats could be spreading bedbugs because they are often carriers. Contrary to popular belief, dirt does not cause bedbugs.
Cleaning the Infested Room
Cleaning an infested room is a little more involved than it might sound. If a bed has been infested by bedbugs, you should dismantle the bed and remove clutter from the room. Take apart any furniture such as desks that would have wood crevices or other places for bedbugs to hide. Vacuum everywhere to get up the majority of the bugs, and then use a remedy to kill the bedbugs. This can be a nontoxic bedbug spray, diatomaceous earth, exposing the bugs to high heat or setting your mattress out into the sun.
Sealing the Building
Sealing the building will help with all kinds of pests, but go around and caulk up any cracks in the building, replace damaged screens or windows, and do whatever you can to get rid of birds and other rodents that might be nesting in or around your house. Use Non-toxic bedbug products to spray around the floorboards in the infested room.
Why Use Non-Toxic Products?
When getting rid of bedbugs, it is important to not use insecticides, since they will be used on a sleeping surface. Diatomaceous earth is basically sharp dirt that will cut up bedbugs but not harm humans or pets. One the diatomaceous earth is applied and left for a little while, it can be vacuumed up. There are also non-toxic sprays and powders that can be used. Extreme heat and sunlight can also kill bedbugs.