Different Types of Beehives
Top Bar
The top bar beehive is a simple beehive that does not require many materials. Lumber, straw, brick and clay are just some of the materials you can use to build one. This low cost beehive is a trough-shaped box without sides and the bees create their own comb in the center. A top bar hive is good for beekeeping in your backyard. You must include at least one hole for the bees to enter. The bees make their comb hang from the top bar and the beekeeper can pull it up and out to look at it as needed. There is a cover on top to protect the bees from the elements. You can buy top bar beehives online or make them yourself.
Langstroth beehives are popular for beekeepers around the world. Created and published in a manual by Rev. Langstroth in 1853, these beehives are movable and reusable. It is a box with multiple frames and the beekeeper can add more frames if necessary. The frame is what holds the honeycomb. The boxes, called a super, can be stacked. An important feature of the Langstroth beehive is a separate area for the queen bee. This prevents her from laying eggs among the other areas and mixing with the honey. This makes it easier when it is time to extract the honey.
Natural and Observation
Natural beehives are ones made by bees themselves. There are many species of bees and they make their habitat in different areas. Honeybees may build in a tree and bumblebees often make their hive or nest in an underground area hidden by leaves and flowers. The honeybee hives appear as many connected honeycombs. The observation beehive's essential purpose is to observe bees dong what they naturally do. These hives are not for collecting honey or for long-term use. Observation hives can be taken from place to place and can serve as an educational tool.