How to Treat Bee and Wasp Stings with Alternative Medicine
Things You'll Need
- Butter knife
- Ice cube or cold water
- Meat tenderizer (powder) or digestive enzyme capsule
- Homeopathic Apis mellifica
Look at the sting area and see if the bee or wasps stinger is still in the skin. If it is, gently scrape the skin to remove the stinger using the butter knife. If you squeeze or pinch the stinger it can release more venom, so scraping is the best way.
Apply ice, a freezer pack, or even the side of a cold glass or bottle to the sting area for 5 to 10 seconds to help numb some of the burning feeling.
Give the patient homeopathic Apis mellefica, the homeopathic remedy made of bee venom, to neutralize the pain and swelling from the inside. This will eliminate the symptoms in five to ten minutes and often it takes far less time than that.
Apply a little bit of powdered meat tenderizer or open a digestive enzyme capsule and apply the powder topically to the sting area. The enzymes will actually break-down and neutralize the bee or wasp venom. Use it for scorpion stings as well.