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How do I Use Papain for Bee Stings?
Things You'll Need
- Tweezers
- Fresh unripened green papaya or meat tenderizer with papain
- Skin cleanser
- Anti-itch/inflammation/histamine cream
Treating Bee Stings with Papain
Scrape out the stinger with tweezers or fingers if possible. Do not pinch it or it will release the full amount of venom into the area. Rinse the stung area with water and clean the area with a gentle cleanser.
Apply a slice of papaya to the bee sting. Leave it on for one hour. If using papain enzyme in powdered form (such as in a meat tenderizer) mix 1 tbsp. of it with a few drops of water until it becomes paste-like. Rub the paste onto the site of the bee sting.
Remove the papaya. Clean the area and put on an anti-itch cream or anti-histamine over the sting site.