How to Treat Bee Stings on Dogs
Remove the stinger if you can find it. Use your fingernail to gently scrape the stinger to remove it. If you can't find the stinger, don't panic, it will eventually fall out.
Dab the bite area with milk of magnesia. Soak a cotton ball with milk of magnesia, dab on the bite and all around it or the general area where you think he was stung. Long fur makes it difficult to find an exact location. Apply many times per day. Milk of magnesia with help to take some of the pain out of the bee sting. It can be purchased at a pharmacy.
Apply aloe to the sting site and all around it. Aloe will help to relieve the pain and soothe the area. Fresh aloe is best. Apply aloe often.
Apply cold compresses. Do not use ice because your dog will probably not stay around for an ice pack and secondly ice applied to the skin can cause the skin to freeze. The cold compress will help to reduce the swelling.
Make a paste of baking soda and water. Apply to the sting if your dog will allow it. The baking soda will help to relieve the itch associated with bee stings.