How to Soothe Bee Sting Pain and Itching
Wash the site of the Bee sting with an antibacterial soap.
Use an ice pack. Do not put the ice directly on your skin, place a thin cloth or towel between the ice and your skin. The ice will help to reduce swelling and stop the venom from spreading.
Apply ammonia to the sting site. Pour a little ammonia on a clean gauze pad and apply to the Bee sting site. Ammonia works to counteract the pain associated with the Bee sting.
Wet the site of the Bee sting with plain water and rub an aspirin over it. Aspirin will help to reduce swelling and relieve pain. Do not use aspirin if you are allergic to it.
Apply a paste of baking soda and water to neutralize the venom and stop the itching.
Apply meat tenderizer to the Bee sting site. The enzyme found in meat tenderizer will neutralize venom and stop its' spread.