How to Act When Swarming Bees Attack
Things You'll Need
- Vehicle or building to escape into
- Telephone in case of emergency
Run as fast as you can and as far away as possible from the spot where the bee swarm attack begins. If you can, cover your head and face as you run to reduce the number of bee stings on this part of the body. Aggressive bees might also get inside your mouth, ears and nostrils if they are not covered.
Get inside a building or vehicle as soon as possible. A few bees trapped in the car with you won't be as bad as the thousands waiting outside to attack. The fewer bees that can actually attack you the better. Bees in attack mode are attracted to pheromone scents that are left on you and your clothing when bees sense danger to their nests.
Jumping into water may not help because the bee swarm will still be in the area waiting for you to resurface. Cartoons and movies depict this as an effective response, but if you have alternative places to go, then do that first. Agitated bees will roam the area for hours.
As soon as you are safe from continued attacks, start to remove the stingers as quickly as possible. Any method of removal is OK, just be fast; the sooner they are out the less venom can be pumped into your body.
Try to stay calm. This is an almost impossible task, but it will keep the heart rate down and you may be able to think more clearly about how to act when swarming bees are attacking.
Call or have someone call 911 as soon as possible. If a person has been stung many times, this is critical to reducing the effects of lots of venom. It is possible to survive extreme cases of Africanized killer bee attacks when the victim is treated properly and promptly at a hospital.