How to Treat Summer Ailments With Epsom Salt
If you have been exposed to poison ivy/poison oak it is important to remove the sticky barbs from the skin as soon as possible to decrease the amount of toxins entering the bloodstream. It is the toxins that will trigger the allergic and inflammatory reactions and symptoms (weeping red, itchy rash) caused by the immune system's attempt to control and remove the toxins. Epsom salt can provide some quick relief by helping the body to eliminate the toxins and decrease the severity of the inflammation. Soak in an Epsom salt bath, or if the exposure was limited to a small area of the skin, then you can make a paste or compress for the affected area. Mix 2 cups of Epsom salt in distilled water and soak the affected area or make a paste by reducing the amount of water and apply carefully to the skin. If you have a large area exposed to the poison ivy, immediately get into an Epsom salt bath. This wil help to stimulate the skin and purge the body of the toxin quickly, as well as give some temporary relief.
Treat bee stings and insect bites with Epsom salt. If you have been stung by a bee or wasp, remove the stinger from the skin as soon as possible, as this will prevent and decrease the amount of toxins entering your body. A pair of scissors is the best method for extracting the black stinger embedded in the skin surface. Next, apply Epsom salt paste to the affected area and leave on for about 10 minutes or until the redness or swelling has subsided. If it is an insect bite, then soak the bite area in Epsom salt and water or apply the paste. It is vital to take care of the sting or bite if the victim is showing signs of a serious allergic reaction. Take yourself or the victim immediately to the ER or get medical assistance. Some individuals can suffer from serious life-threatening anaphylactic shock reactions to bee stings and insect bites.
Prepare an Epsom salt bath, compress or paste mixture to treat mild sunburn. Epsom salt can give some temporary relief and help to minimize the severity of the symptoms by helping to eliminate the toxins and reduce pain.
Mix together an Epsom salt bath to draw toxins out of your body and reduce the severity and degree of an allergic reaction. It also contains mild anti-inflammatory properties.
Use Epsom salt as a facial tonic or cleanser. Make a face scrub or face mask by mixing Epsom salt with a small amount of water to form a cream or paste. Always test the mixture for any potential allergic reaction on a small area of skin before you apply to the whole face. This is a great way to help remove blackheads, find relief from acne or cleanse spots and boils.