About Bee Stings
You can identify the area of a bee sting by the redness at the site. It usually will have raised skin, be sensitive to the touch and become itchy within 24 hours. The redness may form a distinctive circle around the sting area and can become up to 18 inches wide.
When a bee stings a human, it releases a venom into the body. Our bodies react to fight the venom by increasing production of histamine. This lowers blood pressure and constricts the bronchial area. The histamine affects individuals in different ways. Some do not seem to be affected by lowered blood pressure and breathing difficulties. Their bodies are able to deal with the elevated histamine without major changes in the body. However, some react strongly, become lightheaded, stop breathing or pass out.
Despite what some people may believe, repeated bee stings over a period of time do not create a more severe reaction in humans. Actually, more frequent stings decrease the effects of the venom. Also, age can reduce the effects of a sting. Older people create less histamine, which in turn reduces the reaction to stings. Most extreme reactions to stings happen within the first 30 minutes, with most happening within an hour, however a reaction can occur as late as 5 hours after the sting.
The best way to deal with bee stings is to avoid getting them, however, if you do get stung, there are a few steps you can follow to lessen the pain and reaction. First, you should make sure the stinger isn't left in the skin. If it is, scrape the skin with your fingernail to get it out. Use a sting relief pad, found at any drug store, on the area. Hold the pad in place with your hand or a bandage. Place a cold pack on the area to reduce swelling and take an antihistamine medication such as Benadryl, making sure to follow the dosage instructions.
When stung by a bee, you may have a more severe reaction than others. You should watch out for certain symptoms for the first several hours to ensure you are in the clear. Stings will start with the pain and progress to itching. If you develop a dry cough, sneezing, trouble breathing or hives, these are signs that the condition is worsening. You should seek medical help quickly.