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How to Escape From a Killer Bee

Africanized honey bees are not your ordinary honey bees. They are mean and dangerous. There is no turn-off switch in these bees. Most bees chase you away and turn back quickly. Africanized bees aren't afraid to follow you hundreds of feet and chase you down. They aren't afraid of water either. They are fierce, getting their name for their killer appetite. These steps will help you escape an attack.


    • 1

      Run. If you see several bees chasing you, run for cover. Africanized bees have the same venom as a honey bee, but attack in greater numbers. They swarm their prey and will remain agitated for up to 24 hours. Run far and fast.

    • 2

      Cover your head with something. The killer bee usually attacks the face and head. Cover these areas to protect yourself. A sting on the abdomen or chest is not as lethal as a venomous sting on the face. Use a shirt, net, blanket or anything you have with you.

    • 3

      Take shelter in a house, outbuilding or tent. Use any structure that can be sealed. Shut the windows and doors and stay away from the light. A few killer bees may get inside, but they will be disoriented and go to the light. Hide in a corner and cover yourself.

    • 4

      Avoid water. Do not jump into water. The killer bee will not leave. He will follow you to the water and wait for you to come up for breath and then attack. Don't get cornered in water.

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