How to Prevent Bee Stings
Avoid wearing overly-fragrant perfumes, lotions or hair products. Especially avoid anything with a strong floral scent. Sweet and floral scents are very attractive to bees.
Keep open drinks, like cans of soda, well guarded. Many people have been stung on the lip by drinking out of a can that a bee has crawled into. Drinks with tops are recommended when outdoors.
Avoid wearing clothing with bright colors and/or floral patterns. Bright or flowered clothing is attractive to a bee on the hunt for pollen.
Stand as still as possible if a bee gets close. Bees only sting defensively, and they will be frightened by sudden movements. Don't wave your arms around or try to swat the bee, as it will only serve to anger the insect.
Wear shoes or flip-flops when walking in grassy areas. Lots of stings occur when an unsuspecting person steps on a bee while walking barefoot.
Contact someone to remove any bee or wasp nests you find in your yard. Do not try to remove the nests yourself, as serious injury may occur.
Wash hands immediately after eating, especially when eating sweet or sticky foods.
Keep uneaten food covered to avoid attracting bees (and many other insects as well).