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How to Reduce Swelling From Yellow Jacket Stings

A yellow jacket is a type of wasp that gets its name from the yellow markings on the front of its head and the yellow band around its abdomen. A yellow jacket stings to protect its colony, and may sting more than once. If you do get stung, you must remove the stinger immediately and clean the area with soap and water. You can alleviate the swelling with several methods.


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      Apply ice to the swollen area. Use a cold compress or ice pack and hold on the area for 15 minutes at a time.

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      Apply an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream to the affected area. The hydrocortisone should help relieve the itching and swelling, and you can apply it up to three times a day. Also, a natural alternative to hydrocortisone is a solution of meat tenderizer and water. Measure 1 tbsp. of meat tenderizer into a bowl. Pour in enough water to make a paste. Dip a cotton ball into the paste. Put the cotton ball on the sting and hold it for 20 minutes. This solution may neutralize the venom and reduce swelling and pain.

    • 3

      Take an anti-inflammatory medicine, such as ibuprofen. This will relieve the pain and reduce swelling.

    • 4

      Take an over-the-counter antihistamine to relieve the swelling. Follow the dosing directions on the label.

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