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How to Get Rid of Bumble Bee Nests

Bumble bees are hairy, black and yellow insects that range from 3/4 of an inch to 1 1/2 inches. There are hundreds of different types of bumble bees and each type have their own preference of nectar and flowers. Bumble bees are hardly considered pests and are seen as beneficial pollinators within the environment. However, these insects can inadvertently become pests if they set up a nest in an area where humans live or commonly frequent. You can get rid of bumble bee nests using insecticide sprays.

Things You'll Need

  • Delta Dust
  • Drione Dust
  • Crusader duster
  • Long-sleeved shirt
  • Long pants
  • Socks
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    • 1

      Wear a long-sleeved shirt and pants. Tie your sleeves and pants legs shut or pull your socks out over your pant cuffs so bumble bees cannot find an opening to sting you.

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      Grab the drione dust, delta dust or a similar insecticide you wish to use against the bee nest. Read the instructions on the package very carefully before use.

    • 3

      Place the insecticide dust carefully inside a hand bellows duster device, such as the Crusader Duster. Fill the duster 1/2 to 2/3 from the top. Shake the duster gently before application of the insecticide. A cloud of insecticide dust should form in the empty space you have left within the duster.

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      Spray the entrance of the bumble bee nest with the insecticide until your contents is empty. The applied dust should float through the nest and into the chambers, allowing most of the particles to stick to the nest, eggs, grubs and adults.

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      Repeat the process a second time to assure better results.

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