How to Kill Wasps in a Garage
Things You'll Need
- Protective body gear
- Cloth bag
- Tie for bag
- Bowl
Locate the wasp nest in the garage. You can locate the nest by observing the insects as they fly in and out of their home. The flight pattern of the wasp will take you directly to the nest. The best time to watch the flight pattern of wasps is in the morning. It is in the morning that wasps forage for food.
Determine the type of wasp you are watching. Different wasps have different type nests. All wasp nests demand a cautious approach. Wear multiple layers of clothing and a mesh hat covering shoulders, neck and head. The best time to approach a wasp nest is after sunset. A paper wasp builds its nest under the eaves or under ledges. Hornets build their nest on the sides of buildings. Yellow jackets build their nest inside of walls.
Slide a cloth bag over a visible wasp nest sealing the nest in the bag. Remove nests only after sunset when wasps are dormant. Kill the wasps by spraying insecticide into the bag. Once the wasps are dead you can burn the nest.
Grab a can of insecticide and spray the wasp to slow it down. Once the wasp is slowed in its attack, you can kill it by stepping on it or squashing it.
Swat at the wasp to kill it. Know the wasp will attack if you miss. When a wasp is disturbed or threatened, they become aggressive and attack.
Hang a wasp trap in the garage. The wasp is attracted to the sweet nectar and once it enters the trap to forage for food, it can't back out. Eventually the wasp will die in the trap.