Cat Night Behaviour Keeping You Awake? Causes of Cat Night Activity
1. Boredom: Cats who are bored may become more active at night to entertain themselves. This can be especially true for indoor cats who do not have access to much outdoor stimulation.
2. Lack of sunlight: Cats need access to sunlight to regulate their circadian rhythm, which is their internal body clock. If a cat does not get enough sunlight during the day, it may become more active at night.
3. Medical conditions: Some medical conditions, such as hyperthyroidism and diabetes, can cause cats to become more active at night. If your cat is suddenly becoming more active at night, it is important to have them checked by a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
4. Changes in routine: Cats are creatures of habit and can be disrupted by changes in their routine. If you change your cat's feeding schedule, for example, it may become more active at night to try to get its food.
5. Separation anxiety: Cats who experience separation anxiety may become more active at night in response to being left alone. This can be especially true for cats who are recently adopted or who have experienced a change in their household.
If your cat is keeping you awake at night, there are a few things you can do to try to change its behaviour:
1. Provide more daytime stimulation: Make sure your cat has access to toys and other interactive activities during the day. This will help to tire them out and make them less likely to be active at night.
2. Give your cat access to sunlight: If possible, let your cat spend some time outdoors during the day. This will help to regulate its circadian rhythm and make it less likely to be active at night.
3. Feed your cat on a regular schedule: Try to feed your cat at the same time each day. This will help to establish a routine and make it less likely to become active at night in search of food.
4. Address any medical conditions: If you think your cat may have a medical condition, it is important to have them checked by a veterinarian. Treating the underlying condition may help to reduce their nighttime activity.
5. Provide comfort and security: Make sure your cat has a comfortable and safe place to sleep. This can help to reduce their anxiety and make them less likely to be active at night.
Here are a few additional tips that may help to keep your cat quiet at night:
* Provide a scratching post for your cat to scratch on instead of furniture.
* Avoid playing with your cat before bedtime, as this may excite them and make them more active at night.
* If your cat wakes you up at night, try to ignore them. If you give them attention, they may learn that being active at night is a good way to get attention.
* Consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist for personalized advice and further strategies for managing your cat's night behavior.