How to Avoid Cat Bites
Handle your cat in a gentle and loving way. Try not tease your cat or let younger children pull on its tail.
Do not eat any kind of food or snacks nearby where a cat could quickly snatch it away. Especially don't let younger children eat food or snacks in front of a cat either. Leave your cat alone when it is eating.
Tell the cat to "get down," or "get away," if they try coming around if you are at the family table. Also try using a spray bottle and spray the cat with a light mist if they try to bite you or anyone else.
Avoid a cat if he or is sick. A sick animal shoud be treated at the vet's office and kept inside another room or inside a cage until it is in good health again.
Stay up to date with your cat's vaccinations. If you are a bit by a cat, look at the wound for any nerve, tendon, or bone injury. Look for signs of infection. If you believe it to be serious, contact your doctor as soon as possible. Keep the wound clean with some soap and water, and apply first an antibiotic to avoid infection.