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Why does your stomack growl?

The gurgling sounds you hear in your stomach are due to the movement of food, liquid and gas through your digestive tract. These sounds are most noticeable when your stomach is empty.

Here's a more detailed explanation of what happens when your stomach growls:

1. Peristalsis: The muscles of your esophagus, stomach, and intestines contract in a wave-like motion, known as peristalsis, to move food down your digestive tract.

2. Gas production: As food is broken down in your stomach and intestines, it produces gas as a byproduct. Swallowing air, chewing gum and some foods (such as beans and cabbage) can also increase the amount of gas in your digestive tract.

3. Mixing and churning: The muscles of your stomach also help to mix and churn the food, further breaking it down into smaller particles. This can also cause the gurgling sounds.

4. Empty stomach: When your stomach is empty, there is more space for the food, liquid, and gas to move around and create the gurgling noises.

The growling sounds of your stomach are usually harmless and do not indicate any medical problems. However, if you are experiencing frequent and loud stomach growling, accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or constipation, it's important to see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

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