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First Aid for Dog Bites

Dog bites can cause cuts in the skin, bruising, crush injuries or punctures. According to MedLine Plus, the highest risk of an infection comes from a puncture wound. Proper treatment of a dog bite minimizes the risk of complications.
  1. Cleaning

    • If a dog bite is not severely bleeding, it will need an immediate and thorough cleaning with soap and water. Antibiotic ointment and a sterile bandage help prevent infection.


    • Bleeding may be stopped by applying direct pressure and elevating the wound above the heart. Once bleeding is stopped, the wound may be cleaned.

    Medical Assistance

    • Dr. R. John Presutti of Mayo Clinic Jacksonville says punctures, crush injuries and hand wounds are the most common injuries to become infected. Consultation with a physician is often required.


    • Warmth, swelling, redness, pus or a fever may be symptoms of an infection.


    • Most dogs are vaccinated against rabies, but if the vaccination status is unknown a tetanus shot may be necessary. Tetanus shots provide protection for five years.

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