How to Treat a Dog Bite Injury
First step is to assess the damage of the dog bite injury. Determine if it's an emergency and if the victim can be moved or if it's more of detail for the doctors office. If the skin is broken you should get medical attention for the dog bite to rule out the possibility of rabies or infection even if the bite is only minor.
Wash the bite with soap and water for at least 4 or 5 minutes removing the saliva from the area.
If the wound is bleeding cover the area with white gauze or a white cloth of some sort. If the bleeding is serious apply pressure and elevate the bite above the heart. Once the bleeding subsides a bandage should be placed over the bite.
Proceed to get a tetanus shot if one is due. A tetanus booster is usually given about every 5 years. These are available at the health department and should be available at your family doctor's office.
Report the dog to the proper authorities. If the dog is owned by someone they will check to see if there is documentation of a recent rabies shots. If not the dog will usually be held in a kennel until the possible of rabies is ruled out. If the dog is a stray or owner is unknown it should be captured as soon as possible after the dog bite injury.